The end is here... And it's flaming.

Friday, October 22, 2010

No Homo? No HObama. Don't ask and don't tell me.

Sorry it's been a few weeks guys and girls. I quite honestly have been busy and really, I didn't know where to begin with all that's been going on. DADT got overturned, then overturned again. And Mazl Tof to Dan Choi, who seems like the only openly gay servicemember discharged who immediately got back into the military before this overturn was put on hold by the Obama Administration. Which brings me to my next point. MR. BARACK.

Now, when i voted for him, it was truly the lesser of two evils. John McCain's wife and daughter, who both campaign for gay rights, have both said in so many ways that Johnny boy will vote for gay rights when George Bush wins a spelling bee. So it was pretty much Obama that had the vote from the getgo. Especially since he said over and over that he would campaign for gay rights. Two years later, he's done the opposite.

Now, the fact that Don't Ask Don't Tell got overturned, it would have been SOO easy for him to just say "okay, it got overturned. Good deal." But his administration TWICE ran to court to overturn it, worried that 'incidents would occur.' (ZERO incidents occured in the week it was turned down, ZERO.)

So, okay. I get it. Obama has more 'No Homos' in him than a Soldia Boy Album. He promised to fight for gay rights and now is doing everything to fight against them. But that's not the worst part.

As you all know, the Trevor Project was launched to help gay youth get over their feelings of suicide. Hundreds of famous celebrities have come forward and made "it gets better" videos to upload to youtube. But last night Obama made one. And THAT has me on my last nerve.

First of all, Umm... How dare you! I know in this blog I'm usually the sarcastic, 'don't let me get married' type but seriously Barack... How dare you. You make a video telling gay youth it gets better while you simultaneously block every piece of legislation that would make it better? That's just beyond offensive. Pick one or the other. You can't be friends with everyone and since you obviously don't care about 10% of the vote then don't try to get in our bed. It's filled with people that can't get married or defend your country.

As long as the actions of your administration continue to tell LGBT people that they are less than equal citizens, that they do not deserve to marry the person that they love, that they do not deserve to serve openly in the U.S. military, that they can still be fired from jobs because of who they are, how can you promise these kids that "it gets better?"

Why don't we all make silly videos while you're at it? Why doesn't Mel Gibson make an "I Heart Jews" video or maybe Bill Clinton can record a series on monogamy.

I will say this Mr. President. You are STILL better than McCain. But until you decide to take your complete ignorant self to that courthouse to stop blocking federal mandates, that's the best compliment you're getting from me. It will get better. We know that. We just sort of thought it might get better.... with you.


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