The end is here... And it's flaming.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

the TRUE Queen Elizabeth: We will miss you.

It comes as no shock that we honor the greatest of actresses, Elizabeth Taylor, in this blog of all blogs. But tonight, I not only throw down my spoon, I eat a serving of humble pie with it.

I admit, shamefully, that in the past I have criticized the 'sanctity of marriage' by pointing out certain celebrities with many divorces under their belts (although in all fairness, Larry King still holds the record). But tonight, rather than mocking the 8 marriages Dame Taylor had, I instead pay homage to her legacy.

Most of us from my generation only know her from this movie or that, from this fragrance to that scandal. In fact, it was only a year ago that a friend suggested I watch "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf". Ever since then, I've said she deserves the oscar every single springtime.

But what she did for the gay cause, the AIDS cause specifically, was lend a hand, literally. At a time when people thought you could catch AIDS/HIV simply by touching a person, like it was the plague, Elizabeth Taylor came out against the hatred, saying "they're here, they're queer, and damnit I'm gonna hug them!" It may seem little today, but back then, it was huge.

I can say this personally, because I do have HIV positive friends in my life. I would hug them, share a glass of wine with them, and let them crash on my couch anyday. 20 years ago it was a disease. An illness. With Ms. Taylor's help and the acceptance of the world over, it's become as common as many other ailments. Are those who get HIV worse off? No. They're just given a better perspective on life, one that most of us take for granted.

In closing tonight's blog, I say this: Feel grateful. Feel blessed. I could SO EASILY say "oh woe is me, i hate my life, i have to leave the country in a few months." But, I'm lucky. I have a man I love, a way to live with him, even if it's across the world, good friends and family, health, and every opportunity in life.

Some say the glass is half full. Some say it's half empty. I say... I see a glass that's half as big as it needs to be. Put that in a shot glass, I'll down it, tip the bartender, call it a night, and thank God for giving me what I got as I walk home. It's still not perfect. But someday, I will rise up to heaven, have a drink of champagne with Elizabeth Taylor, and show her what she did.

Thank you Lizzie.. God Bless.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are you REALLY that lazy?? That's shameful. SHAMEFUL.

What is this laziness I am referring to? The fact that you have NOT cast your vote on to help sponsor the FIRST gay wedding contest winners in, well, for-EVER. In fact, I'm so upset I'm going to sit here while you do it...

Ah, that's better. Got more coffee. So, the blog this week is devoted to you casting your vote on it. AND, I want at least ONE person reading this to repost it on their facebook page, just for a day. Right now, the 2nd cutest gay couple that I know of is in second place, which in itself is already big. BUT, if they won, what would that mean? Let's talk PR here people.

First of all, we all know that the end of the world is coming, as evidenced by a few earthquakes and some dead fish. But really, if the gays won a BRIDAL REGISTRY? I mean that's inconceivable!! Would the gays even know how to hold a registry gun and not kill someone with it? Wouldn't the next person to hold the gun catch the gay virus? Would we even be ABLE to take two sets of "his" towels rather than separating the 'his' and 'her' twins? Would people run in horror at seeing two men in the highly heterosexual Crate and Barrel? Well, no one can say. But here's what WOULD happen.

Allen and Robbie, should they win, would win in a state that does not STILL legally allow them to. Now, as someone who just had to fly to CANADA.... in the FREAKIN WINTER!!!! Just to recite my vows, I can tell you that it's pretty much a kick in the pants when someone else can control your life like that. We all pay taxes, obey the laws, and yet somehow we're given about 50 percent as much (personally, I still think that deserves a tax break). So imagine if they won a national wedding contest and couldn't get married in their state. The PR team at Crate and Barrel would HAVE to issue press releases galore as no one would have seen this coming.

Is it an ideal solution? No. They should be allowed to win and have the wedding per usual. But wouldn't you just LOOOOVE to see America's shock when a gay couple wins a wedding contest? I know I would. Just watch how many stupid things FOX News would have to say about that one.

Now, I do plan to also talk about about my marriage here sometime soon, since yes, yours truly is technically a husband. But, since I'm not a husband in this country and am just enjoying the leisure of it, I'll wait. Plus, we still plan to have our wedding too, just not for a year or so while this craziness I call my life gets sorted out.

So, you've read this far. Again, just post that link on your page for ONE day, if that's all you do. Why wouldn't you? Are you a homophobe? You certainly wouldn't read this blog if you were. And just think, everyone today is saying that 'gay' is the new orange (which used to be the new black but thank God that's over). So just impress your friends on facebook with saying "gay is okay" by posting it. We all deserve the right to marry and be happy. Or, the right to be married and miserable like most. But until that day comes, there is ONE thing the gays will always, always be good at. And that's ruffling a few feathers. Here's a very easy way to. Let's help Allen and Robbie win, so that we can all watch Bill O'Reilly's head explode. Because THAT would just be the icing... on a big wedding cake. :)