The end is here... And it's flaming.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dear President Obama:

HOPE. Hope. That was the one word that summarized your campaign. It came at a time when the U.S. was involved in one of its worst wars in history. It came at a time when people had lost faith not only in their government, but in the human race. And that's why we voted for you, myself included. It was "Time for a Change."

The real change was not just in what you promised, but what you represented. You were the son of a Bi-racial couple who had raised an African-American son, who would one day grow up to lead the nation that in his own lifetime, had segregated and hated this very man who would grow to serve them as President. Your father would have had to sit in the back of the bus when you were a child. Your parents were actually blessed to live in Hawaii, which was one of the few states that even allowed two people of different races to tie the knot in holy matrimony.

You probably don't even know it, but two years before you were born a bi-racial married couple was arrested in their OWN HOME while sleeping and charged with felonies under Virginia's Racial Integrity Act of 1662. Yes, Mr. Obama.. 1662. They were forced to leave the state and each other under a Judge's ruling, which might disgust a man of your caliber and intelligence to read:

"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races show that he did not intend for the races to mix."

That was a federal judge's ruling, Mr. Obama. God designed the reds to stay on one continent, the blacks on a second continent, and may all the whites protect their ivory palace.

I've watched interviews where you flip-flop on the idea of gay marriage. While I am still a big fan of yours, the time has truly come for you to reflect on your words. Had someone not said "enough is enough, just let those blacks marry a white if they want," YOU would not have been born. Your parents could not have been together or conceived you, and the year that you were born it was still illegal in most US states for them to. So to deny someone else the right seems just a bit naive.

I want to tell my daughter and son that they were born into a land of opportunity, a home of the free and the brave, and a world where ALL men ARE created equal. Because they weren't when you were born Mr. President. And they probably still won't be when mine are born.

So in regards to your flip-flopping on the issue, Mr. Obama, don't ask the straight community for advice. And don't ask the gay community for advice either. Ask your Mom. Ask your Dad. Ask someone who knows what it's like to have someone say "We don't care if you're in love. It's disgusting in our eyes. And we have the authority to send you both on your separate ways. " See what your parents say about it.

They were allowed to marry. You were allowed to be conceived. And you were allowed to become the first African-American President.

Imagine what my son could do.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust....

Well folks, it's happened yet again. Just today, Ken Mehlman (I'm a Mehl Man myself if you look at my last name), President Bush's campaign manager and the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, outed himself and revealed to the world that, yes... he's gay.

It seems ironic that the 43 year old man who fought so hard to keep gay marriage from EVER becoming a reality in this country was going home to a man in his bed at night. And that's just it. 43. The man is 43. Now, I'm not an expert on the subject of coming out, but it seems to me that if I had to keep a secret for 43 years I'd probably go crazy. I can barely keep one for 43 days. Although, really, the question of why he chose to come out after all of his anti-gay accomplishments in Washington is not the biggest question on my mind. Because we all really want the answer to the biggest question of all: How many pink elephants are still in the closet?

Now as we all know, the whole Prop 8 debate is like Anne Heche with its 'I'm out.. I'm in... No I'm out... No I'm back in.." flip-flopping. Just a week after being turned down, it was ordered to be put on hold until December, when new arguments will be heard. So at least until Christmas, there will be no Ho-Ho-Homo weddings.

Today's speech by Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial seems to be stirring up things even more. Beck chose to stand on the same step and even on the same DAY (47th anniversary of the I Have a Dream speech) as MLK did on that fateful day. Although no one seems to know what his speech was meant to accomplish other than "Restoring Honor", and although Beck claims he had no idea he was doing it on the anniversary date, he did say he chose the site of his rally to reflect on the legacy of King, "the man who stood down on those stairs and gave his life for everyone's right to have a dream." (Everyone except the gays of course.)

47 years ago today, African Americans had to ride in the back of the bus to get to that speech. That speech marked a day where a minority of the population said "Enough is enough." And 47 years later, the line "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL men are created equal" has never been more false.

Now I know that my blog usually has a very sarcastic, anti-gay zing to it, but today I'm passing that up, out of sheer frustration and disgust. I don't have the rights of other Americans. I have to get married in a different country and live in a third country other than the U.S. to be with the one I love. And Britney Spears can have an 11 hour marriage in Vegas and Larry King can get 8 divorces. So today, just think about that speech. Watch the video of it I'm posting below. And be grateful for your freedoms and rights. Cause I don't have them. And because I fell in love with who I fell in love with, I may never get them at all.

Oh and Mr. Beck? Go &^*&% yourself.

Watch the speech Here:

Monday, August 23, 2010

10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is WRONG.

01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

07) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

08) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

09) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

Repost this if you believe LOVE makes a marriage.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A synonym for 'gay' is 'merry'. But NOT 'marry'.

less than a week now has passed since prop 8 was overturned, and boy oh boy (not boy ON boy) has a lot happened. Last night the American Bar Association said at its annual meeting that "The ABA urges state, territorial, and tribal governments to eliminate all of their legal barriers to civil marriage." Did the lawyers get tired of divorce cases?

Now we all know this whole idea of gays being allowed to marry ruined it in every way. Ever since the gays brought about Tiger Woods' infidelity his game has been shot to hell. (I mean even I could play a better round of golf than that last one, and you know how gays are with sports). And you just know that Bobby Trendy, a man so flaming he needs his own fire escape route, convinced Anna Nicole to marry the 90 year old for something other than 'true love'. Newt Gingrich admitting this week to extra-marital affairs shows us how much pressure this prop 8 debate is causing. And if I'm not mistaken, I believe a gay man owned the little Vegas chapel where Britney Spears wed her husband of 12 hours.

Things just keep getting worse. Jump from the sports page and lifestyle sections into the business section and behold, gay marriage is now ruining even the economy! After Target Corp. apologized for its political donation to highly-homophobic candidate Tom Emmer, it's stock dipped more than 2 dollars a share. Now on the bright side, I did go grocery shopping there today and spent 47 bucks. I just hope it's enough for them to get back on their feet.

Now I may not have much leverage when it comes to getting the word out, but luckily a few celebrities who do are spreading the message. Australian Senate candidate Wendy Francis tweeted that "legitimising gay marriage is like legalising child abuse." If only my grandfather, who founded the Kempe Center for the prevention and treatment of child abuse (, had instead chosen to focus on making sure his grandson couldn't tie the knot and bring about this apocalypse. Think of where we would be today.

But who better to give a perspective on the issue than Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King Jr. In yesterday's response to being asked about Coretta Scott King's (MLK's wife) support of gay marriage, Alveda responded "She was married to him. I've got his DNA. She doesn't. She didn't.." adding further that "gay marriage is genocide." Well, you go girl. You campaign for those human rights for all heterosexuals. I guess this means she can finally sit in the front of the bus, and the gays should sit in back.

The worst part of this all is that the biggest threat to preventing gay marriage in the U.S... ISN'T EVEN in the US! America is now the heterosexual ham in a gay sandwich (or i guess panini), trapped between two countries, Canada and Mexico, that now BOTH allow gay marriage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. So unless we all decide to be low carb and just eat the meat, we may have to eat the sandwich. We can work it off at the gym after.

So America, I don't know what to say on this one. I of course keep taking the guilt for ruining this precious word called marriage. I mean the only solution I can come up with is that every gay man and woman become marriage and divorce counselors and bring down the divorce and infidelity rates. After all, if we can't use the word 'marriage', we can certainly use the words 'billable hours'. I think that's a fair compromise.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another day, another guilt trip. Is no straight marriage safe?

I wake this morning to have my coffee, browse the newspaper and watch the television. All around me are more and more signs of my guilt. It’s starting to take a toll on my conscience and I wish the police would just break down the door already. Maybe I’ll just send them the address and make it easy.

Fox News, the only station that I personally think has any credibility on the air thanks to their unbiased reporting, announced to me in between my cups of java that gay marriage opponents are now saying that Judge Walker, who overturned the prop 8 ruling, is in fact gay. Although no one can find any evidence of a boyfriend or partner in his past, Fox reports that it is an “open secret” in California.

And I for one agree. If he is gay he shouldn’t have been able to make this decision. And while I’m at it, I don’t think Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Sonia Sotomayor should be allowed to rule on abortion rights because of their uteruses. And don’t even THINK about giving Clarence Thomas an equal rights bill.

Now while I support their decision to publicly out a man who refuses to admit he is one of the bad ones, I must warn them that “open secrets” are one of the many ways I corrupted the American Marriage. I mean the Vatican and Catholic Church were doing just fine protecting the American Family until I slipped a little ‘open secret’ or two about some of their priests and some young boys.

Those politicians who deny my pathetic requests for equal rights have always been straight as arrows, and if it weren’t for my stupidity in spreading these ‘open secrets’, I wouldn’t have this guilt today. I would take back the rumor I spread about Mark Foley and his little experience with the boys in the Congressional page program. I would retract my statement about Ted Haggard and those meth-addicted male prostitutes. I certainly would not have slipped Larry Craig the leg in the airport bathroom. I would have known to call a cab rather than spend the night in Glenn Murphy Jr’s hotel room.

And of course, the worst of all: I brought down the McCain Campaign. Some people criticized Sarah Palin for being his downfall. Marriage would have been just fine had I not jumped in and messed it up. For all you know, I could have been the cop that Bob Allen, Chairman of the McCain Campaign, paid 20 bucks to have sex with in a park at night. Luckily Mr. Allen defended my innocence since I’m white and he only wanted to blow the cop because the cop was “a burly black man” and he “didn’t want to become a statistic.”

But now I’m a statistic instead. I’m the few who is ruining it for the rest. I corrupted Senator McCain’s wife and daughter, who both posed for the “NO-H8” campaign. I’m the reason Johnny boy probably had to sleep on the couch, thus ruining yet another perfect marriage. Way to go James.

I just wish more people would read the bible and realize how much of a sin this is. After all, in that book there is one line that says something about a man lying with another man. Although the parts that scare me even MORE are the lines in the Bible that say I shouldn’t eat shellfish, OR wear clothes made of more than one fabric. I already knew I’d be going to hell, but now I’m SCARED. Because after I have intimate relations with my partner, I eat some shrimp scampi and then put on my leather and suede varsity jacket as I leave. As my best friend Pete would say, that is just a “Trifecta” of sin.

I’m sorry world. Tomorrow I’ll try to be a better man. Save yourselves.

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Monday, August 09, 2010

I confess. I AM responsible for ruining the American Marriage.

It is true. I cannot hold this in any longer. The guilt is killing me. I AM the one responsible to ruining the sanctity of marriage in this country. And here is my confession as to why:

I broke up Al and Tipper Gore. And Sandra Bullock and Jesse James. No, I am not a 50-something masseuse or a tattoo model with a thing for Nazi outfits. I'm just a gay man who just got engaged to his wonderful partner. Apparently, my union is a menace. According to the Family Research Council, "Gay marriage threatens the institutions of marriage and the family." So lock me up already, and for the sake of America, throw away the key.

I've tried to deny it. But faced with the prospect of even more finger-pointing in the wake of U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker's Aug. 4 ruling against California's Prop 8, I've decided to come out and come clean. I'm claiming the pinko-threat label and wearing it with pride, like the Miss California USA tiara that Carrie Prejean wore until someone leaked those eight videos of her touching her pro-opposite-marriage private parts. Yes, I am responsible for the sorry state marriage is in. The Gores' "shocking" split was no surprise to me. Blame me for breaking America's sweetest heart. (I'd like to take credit for Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston's off-again engagement, but honestly, who except Bristol didn't see that coming?) Jenny and Mark "Appalachian Trail" Sanford, Mel and Robyn Gibson, Speidi — I put them all asunder. I'm here. I'm a home wrecker. Get used to it.

I'm an anti-nuclear-family activist. I think I was born this way. You might have been too. Just ask all the divorced parents in the country. Because since the parents of my generation tied the knot, the U.S. divorce rate has doubled. I know because I've seen my share. Gay apologists may say the culprit is the rise of no-fault divorce. But this is America, damn it, and someone somewhere must be at fault. That someone is me.

Real Americans agree that I'm dangerous. In "Gathering Storm," an ad produced by the National Organization for Marriage, a paid actress — but no doubt still a real American — with Sue Sylvester's haircut says I want to change the way she lives. Larry "Wide Stance" Craig voted to amend the Constitution to save the nation from my unholy matrimony. The THRICE-divorced Rush Limbaugh warned that "gay marriage would destroy the American family." I know Rush's ex-wives would agree with him. Thank goodness that the 8 TIME divorced Elizabeth Taylor married a gay man. I know she was trying to save him.

And, of course, what about the children? I am incapable of "providing a safe and secure and emotionally stable environment" for them, said Family Research Council co-founder George Rekers. Oh and in case you forgot, Mr. Rekers was the one nabbed in Miami airport with a paid escort from '', who was hired to help Mr. Rekers 'carry his bags' across Europe. I admire George for instilling the values of a straight marriage in this young, impressionable 18-year-old gay boy, who I'm sure sacrificed the paycheck for the moral lesson. I know I would have. If only I could have been so lucky to carry his bags across Europe I might have changed for the better too.

I must admit, though, that the thrill is fading. It's getting too easy. Larry King is on his eighth shot at wedded bliss, and I've had a pretty good record with the Best Actress Oscar winners. I want to move on to pre-emptive attacks. I should try getting a proposition passed to ban ugly marriages. Surely the state has a legitimate interest in keeping the hideous from going forth, not to mention multiplying, and I'm sure I could get at least 51% of voters to agree with me. Those who say California's gay-marriage ban should stand make a completely logical point: majority rule should always trump minority rights — activist judges and their equal-protection clause be damned. I mean, what the unattractive do behind closed doors is O.K., I guess, but I don't want to have to see it. And I certainly don't want my tax dollars to promote the homely lifestyle.

Or should I just let them be? If two repellent people want to wake up next to each other every morning for the rest of their lives, it might turn my stomach, but is it really any of my business? It must be hard enough for them to get through the day — there are reflective surfaces everywhere — without having the federal government against them. Allowing dog-faced marriage doesn't mean I love my partner any less, and banning unsightly unions wouldn't give me a better chance at till death do us part. So relax, ugly people; you're free to pursue happiness with the appearance-challenged person of your choice. Love is love, after all, and that's beautiful enough.

So, I lay out my confession for the judge and jury to decide. I have no excuses left and the guilt has been eating me inside. I must come forward and right my wrongs. If further atrocities should occur, I would take the blame for them as well. And if your own relationship is on the rocks, well then you should blame me as well. I will try to get you a refund and set things 'straight' once again.