Where did we go wrong? Oh right. Everywhere.
The blog used to be a few times a week. Then it became once a week. Then it became once a month. It's now been over two.
Some may have been thinking "well he moved. He accepted the inevitable, and threw in the towel. He saved his words for a fight that didn't seem worth fighting.
In truth, it was that, and so much more. Part of this blogger did just... give up. My anger my frustration, even when turned comical, did nothing. and the world around me just grew worse.
Today, I came across an article, that, amidst all the violence and chaos happening both in London and back home, sickened me. The article said that a gay couple of 19 years, one of whom is terminally ill with HIV and being cared for by his partner, will be deported in a few weeks time, back to Australia.
Here it is, if you wanted to read it.
So a couple, in a loving relationship for 19 years, legally married for 7, just doesnt cut it as a couple in the good old US of A. Send us your tired, your weak your poor, but God not the homos from Australia! I never realized just how much of a homophobe the Statue of Liberty was. Someone needs to have a talk with her.
This used to be the country that people spent their last dimes, dollars and breaths of air to get to. A hundred years ago, it was the land of opportunity, of prosperity, of freedom, and of hope.
What happened....
Forget the credit crisis. We began spending like a drunken sailor on a Friday night. I don't care about that. And we became the nation that elected a black president 50 years after the civil rights march, only to come down on the gay population. And I know, some will say "oh you have it so much easier, quit your whining." Part of me would love to so eloquently say to them, F**K YOU. But, I stand above that, and instead say this.
I WISH you could have lived my life for 5 minutes. To grow up feeling tortured, and punished, for doing nothing wrong. To live a life where someone can beat you up in the street and kill you for who you are, and you'll be lucky if it makes the evening news. To fall in love with someone but have to flee your own country just to be with him. And then to read that someone dying a horrible disease, must flee his partner and the country you were born into, just because he doesnt fit the 'mold' of a dying minority's preferences.
Today I look out my window. There are riots in the streets not far from where i live. Back home, there is a collapse of the entire monetary system. And in the midst of all this, a man dying has to hold his partner of almost 20 years, knowing that in a few weeks, it may be the last time they ever embrace.
Maybe John Lennon had it right. Riots will break out. Economies will crumble. But in the end, the human spirit is all we have left. All we ever had to rebuild, was love. So maybe, all you need.... is love.