The end is here... And it's flaming.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Can't we all just get along?

some will look at this picture and think "aw cute, the times are changing." Others may look at it and say "how disgusting." Hopefully not too many of my readers think the latter, because if they did, I seriously wonder why they would be my readers.

Brandon Morgan, a US Marine Corps who had served 3 consecutive deployments to the Middle East, just wanted to kiss his husband. Now yes, it may differ slightly from the classic 1940's picture of a soldier grabbing his girl, but 70 plus years later, how hard is it to accept this?

Did "dont ask dont tell?" save the military? did overturning it expose us to worldwide humiliation and more towel flings in the military locker rooms? Sadly, no. Nothing happened. Except this.

I'll keep this one short and sweet. To the haters, to the preachers, to the believers of injustice, to those who think being gay is and always will be.. 'a sin', take your mind out of the gutter for one second, and imagine this.

Imagine fighting for and potentially dying for, a country that wont even allow you the basic rights others have. Not since the Tuskeegee airman, has this happened. Imagine fighting in a foreign country, knowing your partner wont even be allowed into the hospital if you are fatally wounded. But even worse, imagine fighting, and living, and surviving, only to come home and kiss your one true love, with boos in the background. Tonight, I salute Brandon Morgan. A true American hero. Fighting the fight, both on and off, the battlefield.

And to quote another famous James, Mr Baldwin to be exact, "Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is the battle, love is the war. Love is growing up."

Go start a riot, with the one you love.