The end is here... And it's flaming.

Friday, April 05, 2013

The last blog. The final goodbye.

So many times in my life, I've heard people say "Those who live life to the fullest, live without regrets."

That my friends, is bullshit.

Regrets are just a part of life.  We are human.  We make mistakes.  Saying that we would all live without regrets means that none of us would ever learn to change our ways.  We would all just walk around acting cocky, and if anything bad happened, we would just say to ourselves, "Well, I'm sad that happened, but at least I won't lose sleep over it."  We need regrets in life.  History will always repeat itself.  But without regrets, so will we.

I took a long flight home last night.  After 1 year, 11 months, 17 days and 22 hours, I made the long journey home, to a world of unknowns and confusion.  I came home to a world that is on the verge of changing the laws of the land, and yet still wants to drag its feet.

What's amazing to think, is that there are millions of blogs, in hundreds of countries, read by thousands of people, and yet in the age where a single tweet can get a person fired, or expose a criminal, or start an online revolution, the rantings of a disgruntled man over a simple request managed to reach a target audience only as wide as his always faithful supporters and friends.  But, do I have regrets about writing this blog?  Hell no.  

This blog was never meant to be an online sensation.  Hell, I was amazed if anyone ever read it.  Half the time I wrote it just to vent my own anger in a humorous tone, and try to shed some light on an otherwise dark situation.  Someday the world may change.  I just hope that my blog became a butterfly effect.  One person read it, and somehow that changed the world.

In closing, for good, let me just say, it's been an honor, to my readers.  I may not have written everyday, but when I did it was important.  

Life is full of regrets.  But as for myself?  I have none.  No, seriously.  It's been a rollercoaster ride, but I still made it back to the concession stand.  Regrets will come and go.  Ironically, my favorite song of all, has lyrics that i completely disagree with.  Radiohead's "No Surprises." The best song ever.  But one that keeps saying "No alarms and no surprises, please."  That's just not meant to be.

Life will be full of alarms, and surprises.  Some will make us laugh.  Some will make us cry.  But In 1 year, 11 months, 17 days and 22 hours, I had lots of surprises.  And I grew to be a better and wiser man.  I wish I could change things, and just snap my fingers and make everything and everyone I wanted, come straight to me.  But I can't.  Because too many of the people in this world still have a big regret yet to feel.  The regret of withholding my rights.

Am I bitter?  Nah.  I got that out of the way long ago.  I'm sad to be apart from my love, but I'm happy in thinking my butterfly effect will soon start flapping its wings.  

It's funny to think that, although the world is changing, that sunset has always been rainbow colors.  

Homo.  Over and out.