I hate to say it, but the Mayans might be right.
Greetings my devoted blogees,
After a few weeks of absence, I had to return. Sure I had seen an Obama this, DADT that here and there but really nothing tickled my fancy. But tonight. I LOST it. Due to one family. The Palin family. (What?! Are you surprised???)
I've always had a positive opinion of Sarah Palin. My opinion of her makes me feel more 'positive' about my own life. But tonight. I freakin LOST it people. It's lost. I can't find it.
I was channel surfing to find Sarah Palin as a total sellout on a reality show talking about "bringing back family values," AND announcing she is ready to run for president, when on another news channel, her 16 year old daughter is under heat for uttering a few highly homophobic slurs on facebook last night in response to their reality show not going completely splendidly. (The facebook clip is above for you brave souls to read.)
Now, I always wondered if 2012 would be the end of the world. And now, with the news that Palin is "seriously considering" a presidential run that year, I certainly hope the Mayans are right if she is in fact elected.
First of all, let's talk about those 'family' values, sweetheart. One daughter of yours got knocked up, out of wedlock, before she was even 18 and graduated, and rather than being a strong guy and marrying her, her dumbass ex-boyfriend decides to pose nude for a magazine and run for mayor of YOUR town. And what does she do? She shows her tits and ass to the country while dancing in sequins like a remake of Chicago. Ok, let's rule her and her baby, who I am sure will have a bestselling book someday, out of the 'family values.' How about you? You raise a big family but then abandon them to take on a political campaign which you not only lose, but the pressure of the past makes you quit the job you had already! I mean if I had to provide for that many mouths, I would at least keep my day job. What happens when the presidency gets too difficult to handle, Sarah? Are you going to quit that too? Or should I say, 'refudiate' it? (and don't get me started on that).
But NOW, your 16 YEAR OLD is under fire for using anti-gay slurs on facebook. First of all, most 16 years old should not even KNOW the F-word much less use it. But your little 'sweetheart' used it like she was just ordering a pizza.
So, that's all I have to say. Sarah Palin. I REALLY hope you decide to run for president in 2012. First of all, you would prove an ancient civilization prophecy correct if you won. And if you didn't... Well, I'm sure there's another reality show in there for you.
Oh, and P.S. (your initials backwards) - Just a word of parenting: If MY daughter ever said something like that, on facebook or in person, she would lose her computer for a year. Maybe you should start being a mom and not a sellout.
James out.
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