Dear President Obama:
HOPE. Hope. That was the one word that summarized your campaign. It came at a time when the U.S. was involved in one of its worst wars in history. It came at a time when people had lost faith not only in their government, but in the human race. And that's why we voted for you, myself included. It was "Time for a Change."
The real change was not just in what you promised, but what you represented. You were the son of a Bi-racial couple who had raised an African-American son, who would one day grow up to lead the nation that in his own lifetime, had segregated and hated this very man who would grow to serve them as President. Your father would have had to sit in the back of the bus when you were a child. Your parents were actually blessed to live in Hawaii, which was one of the few states that even allowed two people of different races to tie the knot in holy matrimony.
You probably don't even know it, but two years before you were born a bi-racial married couple was arrested in their OWN HOME while sleeping and charged with felonies under Virginia's Racial Integrity Act of 1662. Yes, Mr. Obama.. 1662. They were forced to leave the state and each other under a Judge's ruling, which might disgust a man of your caliber and intelligence to read:
"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races show that he did not intend for the races to mix."
That was a federal judge's ruling, Mr. Obama. God designed the reds to stay on one continent, the blacks on a second continent, and may all the whites protect their ivory palace.
I've watched interviews where you flip-flop on the idea of gay marriage. While I am still a big fan of yours, the time has truly come for you to reflect on your words. Had someone not said "enough is enough, just let those blacks marry a white if they want," YOU would not have been born. Your parents could not have been together or conceived you, and the year that you were born it was still illegal in most US states for them to. So to deny someone else the right seems just a bit naive.
I want to tell my daughter and son that they were born into a land of opportunity, a home of the free and the brave, and a world where ALL men ARE created equal. Because they weren't when you were born Mr. President. And they probably still won't be when mine are born.
So in regards to your flip-flopping on the issue, Mr. Obama, don't ask the straight community for advice. And don't ask the gay community for advice either. Ask your Mom. Ask your Dad. Ask someone who knows what it's like to have someone say "We don't care if you're in love. It's disgusting in our eyes. And we have the authority to send you both on your separate ways. " See what your parents say about it.
They were allowed to marry. You were allowed to be conceived. And you were allowed to become the first African-American President.
Imagine what my son could do.